Sunday, April 25, 2010


A mouse in a cupboard house, named tia maria
lived in a shoe the color of blue
oh and the carrots and beets she would eat -
you simply can't beat such a treat 
sitting upon a shoestring seat!
For frolicking fun, to laugh with the sun,
out of her baby blue shoe, tia maria would doodidillydoo
with a silly "hoo-dilly-hoo"
and up in the air, sweet, startled Doreelou flew!
So scared of someone so small,
with a shout and a call, up the wall
All of Doreelou did fall.
This naughty mouse in a house
knew just what to do
to scare poor, sweet
little Doreelou quite through.
And, that twirl of a girl never knew
where her lost blue shoe tossed to.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Learn the art of the half-smile. Find peace.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

And so must we all

The dusty butterfly died.
Gone are the days of her safe cocoon
wrapped in the warm sun of early Spring
thawing Winter's dreary thoughts, ice white.
Into the rich green and through Summer's hot red heat
Wings discontented yet full of blue reflections of
Garden's love, draping the air
with each kissing thrust
Weighed down, but burdened no more
Dead in the flightless dreams
of crackling Autumn leaves.

march 26 2010

feeling hearty into the delicious day moving mountains of grain deep into the burrow of the night furrowing flowing floundering freshly finding furious bites of meaty moments making you a memory and me a midnight moon making my own way musing melodic mystics delicious day dreaming of more

in the blue hurry that was this streaming crest of kindled flame crisply carressing against the dawn of dusk tainting what was real into a now twisted vision of what the heart wants and the mind denies You kiss my fingertips deliciously drowning me in the blue hurry of desire Just a dream Just a dream but such a truth in the imagination's rooted soul swirling melting these visions of heart seeping the mind in a chamomile of undeniable truths